
Could a Green Tea Diet Be the Answer to Losing Weight and Keeping it Off?

Everyone who feels that they need to shed a few pounds are familiar with their calorie intake and have more than likely tried many diet plans and along with those diet plans instead of trying to stick with water may have given into the temptation of drinking fizzy sodas and squash which are laden with sugar...and calories...because drinking water is not the most exciting! What many people may not have considered is that green tea, as part of a correctly monitored diet and exercise can contribute to weight loss and sustaining that weight loss. Green Tea and its fat burning properties is becoming a more and more talked about contributor to weight loss. Green Tea Natural Weight Loss Before Meals When you feel hungry one tends to eat a large amount in a very small amount of time, if you are on a diet then it may not be enough to satisfy you and you may be tempted to eat 'just a little bit more'. Drinking water before you eat can help make you feel satisfied earlier when you are eat...

Look Younger and Feel Better With Anti Ageing Foods

You cannot help the fact that you are getting older, but you can certainly stave off all the visible signs of ageing by incorporating certain foods known to have age-defying properties into your daily diet. These foods give you natural youthfulness and vitality and improve the quality of your life. Read on to know more about the foods that fight age. Essential Anti Ageing Foods Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium, antioxidants and other minerals and vitamins such as zinc, iron, potassium and Vitamin E. These essential nutrients help in controlling blood pressure and fighting against diseases. Eggs are rich in biotin, iron, protein as well as Vitamins, A and B12, and are beneficial for your overall health. Pomegranates work wonders for your skin because they contain large amounts of antioxidants. They also control your cholesterol levels, while pomegranate juice is a vital blood thinning agent, almost as efficacious as aspirin. Oatmeal is another super food that contains a lot of v...

Anti-Aging Creams - How Well Do They Really Work?

With more and more older women being concerned about their skin, you´ll find that there are plenty of anti-aging creams on the market. They claim to reduce wrinkles and ease the impact of the years of sun and free radicals on the skin. The question is, do these creams actually prevent your skin from aging? Moisturizers that claim to put a stop or at least slow the effects of aging are not all telling the truth. A huge number of studies and tests have found that most of these anti-aging creams don´t have a lasting effect on the skin and any effects they do have tend to be short lived and not very spectacular. But some of the ingredients can and do change the appearance of your facial skin, even if only for a period of time. Retinol This vitamin A derivative is found in animals and is vital for the proper growth of skin cells. Including this vitamin in anti-aging creams can have a positive effect. Retinol stimulates the growth of new skin cells, creating a healthier look. It also can be ...

How To Beautify Your Body With Organic Scrubs When On A Budget

Homemade organic body scrubs are just one of the many ways you can treat yourself to excellent skin care without spa prices. With these scrubs, not only will your skin be cleansed and exfoliated, but regular use improves circulation and pulls toxins from the skin. In the following 7 recipes, it is important to use organic ingredients so that you are not absorbing other toxins through the skin. Most ingredients can be found in health food stores and are readily available online. ALL of these scrubs should be used in the bath or shower and should be followed by patting your skin dry and applying an organic moisturizer for overall skin care. Awesome Dry Skin Scrub This mixture should be made up and stored in a quarter sized airtight container (Mason Jars are great) for easy use when you want it. You will just need to take about 3/4 cup and mix with enough distilled water to make a paste when you are ready to use it in the shower, gently rubbing over your body. Ingredients tablespoons orga...

How Natural Makeup Can Reduce Your Breakouts and Irritations

A lot of people enjoy wearing makeup and it can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare for our skin. Wearing thick makeup such as heavy foundations and hard concealers can really damage our skin more than we think. We have to remember that our skin needs to breath and therefore natural makeup is the best way forward because it's usually lighter and isn't as full of chemicals as other brands. Some people have a really hard time with makeup because if they forget to take it off in the evening, they immediately break out and end up with a few spots here and there. This can be a real pain in the neck and it's actually a vicious cycle because the more breakouts you have, the more makeup you'll then put on. The good thing with natural makeup is that it's usually made from all natural ingredients which means that you're not putting any harmful chemicals on your skin. Because of this, the makeup is usually much lighter and actually allows your skin to breath which is importa...