How Natural Makeup Can Reduce Your Breakouts and Irritations
A lot of people enjoy wearing makeup and it can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare for our skin. Wearing thick makeup such as heavy foundations and hard concealers can really damage our skin more than we think. We have to remember that our skin needs to breath and therefore natural makeup is the best way forward because it's usually lighter and isn't as full of chemicals as other brands. Some people have a really hard time with makeup because if they forget to take it off in the evening, they immediately break out and end up with a few spots here and there. This can be a real pain in the neck and it's actually a vicious cycle because the more breakouts you have, the more makeup you'll then put on. The good thing with natural makeup is that it's usually made from all natural ingredients which means that you're not putting any harmful chemicals on your skin. Because of this, the makeup is usually much lighter and actually allows your skin to breath which is importa...